AESA Fighter Radar Seminar

 For the Student


The Seminar has three three primary objectives: 

1) Define the requirements of an AESA Radar integrated in a weapons system from a pilots point of view.

2) Present the theory of an AESA Radar and learn how to design the modes and predict its performance from the requirements up.

3) Provide the material, simulations and tools to put the "theory into practice." 

Some of the things you will learn


1. Introduction to AESA RADAR. 

The evolution of RADAR, an overview of the AESA modes, signal processing, complex signals, matrices, FFT’s, weighting functions, and optimal "matched" FIR filters for track, antenna null formation, Stap, pulse compression, and ground moving target detection, geolocation and jammer cancellation.

2. Requirements Analysis. 

A RADAR requirements analysis, to define mode interleaving, weapon guidance, passive sensor integration, electronic warfare concepts, low probability of intercept (LPI), air-air search, multi-target track and SAR  from a pilot’s point of view.

3. Receiver-Exciter: 

Super-heterodyne receivers, frequency multipliers, analog and advanced digital IF sampling-synchronous detectors.  Phase coding, linear/non-linear frequency coding.  Digital pulse compression FIR filters including matched, integrated, and peak sidelobe reduction filters, with recursive sidelobe weighting.

4. Array Antenna. 

Fundamental concepts, one and two-dimensional antenna patterns, weighting functions, grating lobes, array steering, monopulse vector processing. Unified theory of Interferometric cancellers, adaptive beamforming, and spatial notch filters.  STAP and recursive STAP algorithms for canceling clutter and jamming.  Advanced matrix-based multi-channel slow-moving ground target detection, geolocation, and jammer cancellation.

5. Airborne RADAR Equation.  

The air-air and air-ground airborne RADAR equations with IF Filters, A/D integrators, coherent / non-coherent integration, and pulse compression.  Target cross-section modeling and detection theory.

6. Airborne RADAR Clutter. 

Airborne RADAR clutter sources, Radar FFT maps and templates, constant clutter gamma model, and the all-important and rarely discussed ambiguous clutter RADAR equation. Radome effects, image lobes, clutter simulations, and distributions.

7. CFAR.  

Probability theory, target modeling, and the computation of the CFAR detection threshold.  Cell averaging, High PRF, Greatest Of, Ordered Statistic, advanced Shaped and Template driven CFAR’s with dynamic real time clutter measurements, and image morphology techniques to define  clutter regions in the FFT.

8. Air-Air Search Modes.   

Processing and performance predictions for short range Air Combat Modes, all aspect Medium PRF search with LPI or long range automatic optimization options, and the Hi-PRF very long-range Alert-Confirm waveforms.  Detection in main beam clutter, LPI, MOfN range correlators, guard channels, and backend STC. PRF design, ghost false alarm reduction techniques, high-speed automatic waveform selection algorithms to maximize detection range, minimize LPI and false alarms, with adaptation to a rapidly changing measured environment. 

9. Track Modes

Kalman & Advanced FIR Filters. Kalman theory, Gauss Markov and derivative polynomial target models, symbolic math for computing the Kalman Q and STM matrixes, P matrix initialization, metrics, and designs for optimizing performance during acquisition, and transients.  Linearization techniques, coordinate systems, coupled and decoupled trackers. Optimal model-based least-squares FIR filters with 6DOF angular kinematics for weapon lead pursuit guidance and track maintenance. Median filtering and other more advanced "before and after" editing techniques for smooth lock transfers in tight formations and impulse removal from interference, multi-path, clutter, and jamming in a war time environment.

10. Mapping Modes.  

Synthetic Aperture RADAR, stretch pulse compression, azimuth compression, motion compensation, autofocus algorithms, INS and IMU modifications for targeting, height computations using stereo 3D SAR. Automatic target detection and recognition designs using the extensive Sandia national labs "MSTARS" public database of SAR military target images, and clutter.